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Snimka jednog od najznačajnijih govora u povijesti napokon objavljena nakon 51 godinu.

Jedan od najznačajnijih govora, onaj Martina Luthera Kinga, nakon što je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za mir 1964. godine, objavljen je prvi puta.

Audio snimku odlučio je pustiti sam Odbor za Nobelovu nagradu.

‘Ovo je prvi puta u povijesti da je govor velikog doktora Kinga dostupan publici iz cijelog svijeta. Govor je održan prije 51 godinu i to je jedan od njegovih povijesnih obraćanja’, stoji na Facebook stranici organizacije.

Rare recording: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1964 Nobel Lecture –…

BIG NEWS! On #MLKDay we’re humbled and overjoyed to be able to share Martin Luther King, Jr.’s voice with the world. Today on Facebook we’re releasing a rare audio recording of Dr. King’s 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. This is the first time in history this speech has been made available in its entirety to a global audience since Dr. King originally delivered it in Oslo, Norway over 51 years ago.“One of his most important speeches”, comments Dr. Clayborne Carson, Director of The King Institute at Stanford University, on the lecture. ”It lays out his goals for the remainder of his life. He also addresses the problems of racial injustice, poverty and war as global evils rather than specific American problems.”The recording dates from 11 December 1964, and in contrast with the previously published text version, it finishes with Dr. King echoing his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech for equality and freedom: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent campaign against racial segregation, a Prize which he accepted on behalf of the civil rights movement. The Nobel Lecture is a requirement for the Nobel Prize. A Nobel Lecture has been held by all Laureates – with very few exceptions – since the first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901.More facts on MLK at

Objavljuje Nobel Prize u Ponedjeljak, 18. siječnja 2016.

Objava audio snimke je važna jer su dosadašnje pisane verzije koje su bile dostupne javnosti nešto drugačije od originala.

Martin Luther King nagradu za mir je dobio kao borac za ljudska prava, koji se nenasilnim metodama posebno borio protiv rasne diskriminacije. U govoru često spominje izraz po kojem je postao slavan ‘I have a dream’ (imam san), a završio ga je riječima:

‘Čekam veliki dan kada će se ljudi cijelog svijeta moći primiti za ruke, crnci sa bijelcima, Židovi i kršćani, protestanti i katolici, hindusi i muslimani, i kada će svi zajedno pjevati: Napokon slobodni, hvala svevišnjemu, napokon smo slobodni.’

Martin Luther King ubijen je u travnju 1968. godine u Memphisu kada je na njega izvršen atentat, piše Telegraph.

Rare recording: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1964 Nobel Lecture –…

BIG NEWS! On #MLKDay we’re humbled and overjoyed to be able to share Martin Luther King, Jr.’s voice with the world. Today on Facebook we’re releasing a rare audio recording of Dr. King’s 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. This is the first time in history this speech has been made available in its entirety to a global audience since Dr. King originally delivered it in Oslo, Norway over 51 years ago.“One of his most important speeches”, comments Dr. Clayborne Carson, Director of The King Institute at Stanford University, on the lecture. ”It lays out his goals for the remainder of his life. He also addresses the problems of racial injustice, poverty and war as global evils rather than specific American problems.”The recording dates from 11 December 1964, and in contrast with the previously published text version, it finishes with Dr. King echoing his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech for equality and freedom: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent campaign against racial segregation, a Prize which he accepted on behalf of the civil rights movement. The Nobel Lecture is a requirement for the Nobel Prize. A Nobel Lecture has been held by all Laureates – with very few exceptions – since the first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901.More facts on MLK at

Objavljuje Nobel Prize u Ponedjeljak, 18. siječnja 2016.

